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The Black Bull and Other Stories

The Black Bull and Other Stories

Street Theatre Performance​Three bandits and their companions are travelling through the villages. They arrive on stilts from far away, from another era. They come from the land of the Warm-Hearted (or Tricky) Old Lady who appears in the magic woods as a fox, Golden Hair waiting for the Prince, and the old home of the Black Bull.  They are telling their stories while the world keeps on changing around them. Returning is not possible, so they must continue wandering here. Among the people, however, they sometimes get stuck in the storytelling. Gradually, the images become obscure, the story-lines mixed up, and they are left no legs to stand on. “How exactly was it? Can anybody still remember?”Our heroes come alive outdoor, transforming the pile of stones into a magic mountain and the garden into an arena. These tales give an opportunity to meet, to see each other, to share some experience among friends and strangers, children and adults, old and young people.Actors: Anna Kecskés, Géza Pintér, István Szacsvai, Nikolett Németh, Orsolya Veres, ( Lievens Ryann, Norbert Matola)Project-coordinators: Enikő Györgyjakab, Csongor KöllőSet design and costumes: Zsófi GáborTechnical assistant: Attila AlmásiThanks to: Tamás György, Kata Köllő, Dani Láng, Réka Zongor, Zsolt Visky, Karen Joy Visky

This is a production of Shoshin Theatre Association, in the frame of RIOTE (Rural Inclusive Outdoor Theatre Education), a one-year-long international project funded by Erasmus+.The production was also funded by DRI (Department for Interethnic Relations, Romania) and the Gábor Bethlen Foundation.Press: Public Spaces of Fantasy in Rural Environments; published: Samizdat online, October 2017, by Nikolett Németh


5-7, Paris Street

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

+40 720 068 419


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