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Gurdjieff Dance & Movement Workshop

First session of the Shoshin Theatre Association Workshop Season of 2019.

The workshop will be conducted by Miloš Kecman

When: 15-18th April

Where: Franciscan Monastery (Piața Muzeului, str. Victor Deleu 2-4, Cluj-Napoca)

G. I. Gurdjieff has created series of movements that enable us to develop attention and awareness, and get closer to connecting to our own body, emotions and thoughts. These movements are based on traditional dances he studied during his trips in Central Asia, in India, in Tibet, in the East and in Africa. The result is a beneficial effect on our ability to relax and focus - and our life in general through changes in the following areas: improved awareness of the body, centering, balance between attention and relaxation, balance between effort and readiness, as well as awareness of your inner space and the outside world. 

Since 2012 Miloš Kecman has been conducting courses and weekend workshops for these movements, mainly in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade and now in Cluj as well.

Application to the session is open until Saturday, April 13th on the following e-mail address: (to apply please send short bio together with a photo of yourself). Participating in the workshop is not subject to the qualifications of an actor, dancer or other performative education.
All interested are welcome!

Participation fee: 160 lei full price, 140 lei for Shoshin alumni.

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